| Metro Boston sees steep decline in apartments for under $1,000
In metro Boston, 22.8 percent of renter households paid less than $1,000 per month in...
In metro Boston, 22.8 percent of renter households paid less than $1,000 per month in...
As a year-end deadline approaches for 130 Boston suburbs to enact multifamily zoning...
A developer has filed plans for a five-story, 38-unit apartment building at 36 Parker...
The biggest apartment construction boom in four decades flooded the market with new...
The multifamily vacancy rate fell to 5.3% in the third quarter, down from 5.5% at the...
ZOM Living is pursuing a plan to build 530 apartments on what is now an industrial...
The U.S. multifamily market continued a strong rebound in demand during the third...
Lexington’s MBTA Communities rezoning prompted another major multifamily development...
"Two to three years ago, the southeast and the Sun Belt were very lucrative. They had...
The triple-decker is making a comeback in Somerville. In November, the city loosened...
According to a project notification form filed with the city, Nordblom Company...
Rents at the major apartment-owning REITs increased in the second quarter by an...
We specialize in representing buyers and sellers of multi-family and mixed-use properties and buildable land throughout the Metro Boston area, providing effective strategies to maximize asset values for both private capital and institutional investors.