Redfin | Asking Rents Fall 0.7% to Lowest Level Since March 2022
The median rent is now 6.2% lower than when it hit an all-time high of $1,700 in...
The median rent is now 6.2% lower than when it hit an all-time high of $1,700 in...
In metro Boston, 22.8 percent of renter households paid less than $1,000 per month in...
Asking rents for newly constructed apartments fell to $1,746 in the second quarter,...
More than one-third (36%) of Gen Zers and millennials who plan to buy a home soon...
Return-to-work policies are motivating one of every 10 (10.1%) U.S. home sellers to...
Prediction 6: Renting will lose its stigma. Demad for large rental apartments and...
”Inflation and high mortgage rates are taking a bite out of homebuyer budgets,“ said...
We specialize in representing buyers and sellers of multi-family and mixed-use properties and buildable land throughout the Metro Boston area, providing effective strategies to maximize asset values for both private capital and institutional investors.